Quick Facts
02 hours 25 minutes
huacachina oasis, pisco tasting, hiking
Best Price
USD $ 7.06
Maximum comfort or class
3 Departures Daily
Recommended by
166 travelers
Price may fluctuate due to seasonal demand and other market-driven and regulatory events.
All about the bus from Nasca to Ica
Taking the bus from Nasca to Ica is convenient, inexpensive, and quick. Peruvian bus transportation is quite affordable, especially considering the unexpectedly high quality of both the coaches and the onboard service. Furthermore, it allows you to explore Peru at your own leisure without being constrained by a tour timetable.
What are the buses like in Peru?
Peruvians take great pleasure in their bus network, knowing that tourists from all over the world will be spending a lot of time on them. As a result, you can venture out with some confidence, feel protected, and have a wonderful time. In Peru, there are both economy and luxury bus coaches, so it all depends on where you want to go and how much money you have budgeted. Toilets and reclining chairs may not be accessible if your budget is limited. Often, the budget choice is simply a different level on the same bus as the luxury cabin, so if you want broader seats, more personal attention, and a calmer set of neighbors, you can get it for only a few dollars extra.
What is the distance from Nasca to Ica?
The overall distance between Nasca and Ica is 120 km. However, some routes take detours to pick up passengers in smaller towns on the way, which may end up making the distance 142 km. That’s not a massive difference, but it will add 10-20 minutes to your trip. It will take an hour, maybe an hour and a half for the bus from Nasca to Ica to reach its destination. That will depend on the road conditions and other factors.
How much will it cost?
The price of a bus ticket from Nasca to Ica is defined by the carrier or bus company, although they will be similar to each other's average price if you compare buses of comparable class and quality. The Peruvian currency is the Sol, which you will use when in Peru. However the price in Soles is going to be less stable, therefore we cannot provide you a number that is the same today as it is tomorrow. As a result, in US dollars, you may expect to pay roughly USD $7 to make the trip in a no-frills bus that makes multiple stops, and around $20 for a direct and more luxurious journey.
As with many South American nations, there are peak seasons that cause prices to rise for a few months, and then there are holidays and weekends in Peru that are not only more expensive but also more crowded and frenetic. To avoid all of this, click on the Reserve Now button above, and you'll be provided with a calendar that tells you which days are the greatest value since demand is low, and which are more premium because the demand on the bus system is strong.
How far in advance should I book?
To be on the safe side, reserve your tickets approximately 20-30 days ahead of time. If you book sooner, you will avoid running into sold-out departures and will have less red tape to deal with. Do not leave things to the last minute or believe that you can simply show up at the bus terminal and board. When it comes to reports of stranded passengers, long queues, and disrupted travel plans as a result of failing to plan or reserve ahead of time, the list is lengthy.
Where can I book tickets for the bus from Nasca to Ica (or vice-versa)?
Booking online is the best way to secure your spot on the bus and avoid spending your vacation time running around doing paperwork. The online process helps both you and the bus companies plan ahead for each other, so it has quickly caught on as the preferred method to make scheduled services run smoothly. To book, just click on the Reserve Now button on the top of the page, and from there you can select the day you want to travel on the bus from Nasca to Ica. Then select the departure time and price, purchase with a credit card or PayPal, and you’re done! You’ll receive a ticket back by email within six hours and you can focus on the more meaningful parts of your trip, like museums, pisco vineyard tours, or soaring above the Nasca lines.